Full local content
Save time by gathering and classifying the attractions and events near your hotel.
Have an insight into constantly updated database of local content in the area.
Everything in one place!
Local attractions
Local events
Shops & Restaurants
Places for Kids
Advanced Trip Planner
Thanks to our Trip Plan module your guests have an opportunity to plan every day of their stay in a convenient way!
Trip Planner works on the basis of easy interface and can be created not only for guests, but also reception.
The ready-made plan can be printed or made available on social media.
Dashboard for manager
Tool generates plenty of essential data about your guests’ preferences - What do they like? How do they spend their free time?
The answers to these questions are provided once you use Our.Guide widget!
It will help you not only gain a crucial knowledge of your guests’ needs, but also increase the number of bookings in your hotel.
US Hotel Expert about Our.Guide's solution
Jeremiah Magone is a popular Author, Consultant and Copywriter specializing in hospitality technology. Find out his opinion about Our.Guide widget for hotel website.
Trusted by more than +500 properties
I think it´s good to offer hotel's guests that easy to use area map solution.
Günter Reiterlehner Marketing Manager Hotel Koenig von Ungarn
It is a fantastic local guide plugin, which brings a lot of fun too.
Michaela Bein Head of E-Commerce Rilano Hotels & Resorts
Our hotel guests are using the smart and informative plugin on website every day.
Steffi Stark Director of Marketing Ameron Collection
/ month
Local Attractions
Basic reporting
Basic widget customization
/ month
Local Attractions, Shops, Restaurants and Events
Advanced reporting
Full widget customization
Co-branded emails
/ month
Local Attractions, Shops, Restaurants and Events
Advanced reporting
Full widget customization
​Co-branded emails
Trip Planner module
Itineraries creator
Mobile version
Unique URL