Discover the main OurGuide's features
All tourist attractions around
Our widget presents the most significant attractions around your hotel.
They are divided into categories, including a distance from the hotel or a level of popularity - everyone can find something suitable!
Art and Culture
For Kids
All tourists attractions and events within up to 50 km from the hotel.
Detailed place description
Practical information about tickets price, open hours and amenities,
Tons of great social content
Photos and videos,
Map and directions by different transport measures,
Social reviews and rating for each attraction
Language support
Local Events Calendar
Our.guide also contains a full database of current local events during their stay, such as: exhibitions, concerts or festivals of any kind.
The database is steadily updated.
Our travel guide will show upcoming events during the booking process to encourage guests to stay with you for longer.
Our widget integrates with your current website. You just need to add few lines of code and you're ready to go. It can take as little as twenty minutes
Trip Planner
Thanks to our Trip Plan module your guests have an opportunity to plan every day of their stay in a convenient way!
Trip Planner works on the basis of easy interface and can be created not only for guests, but also reception. The ready-made plan can be printed or made available on social media.
Add place or event to specific day
Sort places on day-calendar, easy to print, send by email or share in social media
Perfect solution for better preparing to travel
Travel Itineraries by Hotel
The only one online concierge that takes into account the travel dates and improves the perception of your location
Mobile devices
The system is adjusted to tablets and phones, so that guests have constant and easy access to information on the website, no matter where they are.
Direct me feature integrated with Google Maps
Full responsive
As web-container easy to install on hotel mobile app
Dashboard for manager
A key to success is to know your guests and their preferences while planning their stay.
Encourage your guests to stay in your hotel presenting them a list of attractions or events in your location