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Why website widgets for hotels may be the key to enhance a better experience?

Updated: Jul 25, 2018

Hotel marketing can be a really challenging task because there are numerous solutions that are dedicated to various tourists, such as middlemen’s websites. However, with the assistance of professional websites as well as widgets, it is possible to improve the hotel guest experience. It is definitely worth doing it because there are tourists who wait the whole year to enjoy sunny weather and spend a lot of money. About 30% of travelers claim that they have a lot of savings and during their holidays, they tend to enjoy the special atmosphere of the place regardless of how much it cost (source:PBS). This article will highlight how to become visible on the Internet using widgets.

With Our Guide, you can implement astounding travel widgets for your website

Firstly, it is worth to pay attention to the website of the hotel. It is essential to design it in a modern way by including plenty of photos and videos that will show the hotel rooms, outdoors and its neighborhoods. The website should encourage the readers to make a reservation and stay at the hotel for longer than just one night. A professional website should also be a sales tool where the guests may easily make a direct booking. Why? In accordance to the latest research about 85% of tourists make hotel reservations online (source:PBS). They do not have to call when they know that the reservation will be made correctly. In this way, the hotel owners are able to avoid paying 20% of commission and the hotel guests will also receive a guarantee that the booking is made at the right hotel.

Widget may help

While designing a professional hotel website, it is necessary to pay special attention to hotel website widgets. There are a lot of widgets that are dedicated to the industry. Some of them plan flights, show the weather forecast or give you an opportunity to talk with a specialist via online chat. They also encourage visitors of the website to make a reservation at the hotel. They are called travel widgets and there are a few companies that provide such a special solution. One of them is Our.Guide.

Widgets may help you stay in touch with your clients
Widgets may help you stay in touch with your clients

What information does Our.Guide widget convey?

The widget consists of several types of tourist attractions that may be interesting for holidaymakers to visit the area, for examples: Art&Culture, Sport, Entertainment, Attractions for Kids and more. If the users select a particular category, they can learn more about places that are worth seeing. All of those tourist attractions are well detailed, described with photos and videos. Moreover, reviews of other visitors are also included. However, there is one thing that may be very useful: the presented data is always current. It means that the Our.Guide widget is always a reliable source of information that may encourage many potential hotel guests to make a reservation at the website where the widget is placed.

Widget and statistics

Some readers may think that widgets are created to generate an income for the website designers and the owners of the widgets. As a matter of fact, widgets may be extremely helpful for hotel owners. One of the surveys have proved that 76% of people look for a holiday inspiration online, including hotel websites and hotel website widgets. Only 13% look for inspiration in newspapers, 27% in guidebooks and 6% do not look for any travel ideas at all. As an outcome, the widget may be a great source of inspiration for those travelers. What is more, the same research have shown that 55% of holidaymakers book rooms before they leave their houses (source:PBS). They simply want to make sure that there will be a suitable place for them for an overnight stay. They may do it at the hotel website and use the hotel widget only if they can find it on the website.

At present, the hotel website widget is an integral part of every modern website which is dedicated to hotel services. It can be easily installed and used by a website visitor. Furthermore, it provides a lot of useful knowledge that may be an inspiration for a lot of travelers from different corners of the globe.


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