Have you ever thought about increasing the number of reviews on your hotel website?
Nowadays, there are numerous factors which influence above-mentioned issue. Nowadays, in the era of technology, it is undoubtedly significant to attract potential guests’ to choose the most suitable hotel thanks to complimentary opinions and recommendations.
Here are some examples of widgets which help you get better reviews onto your hotel website:
1) TripAdvisor
TripAdvisor widget is a simple application which allows you to view and download dynamic content from a given website to the widget on your hotel website. The app is created in order to - among others - show the latest reviews and encourage guests to share their insights connected with their stay. Such actions put a great impact on further ‘fate’ of the hotels.
In spite of the fact that TripAdvisor widget is intrinsically an app dedicated for guests’ opinions, it has also a wide range of other conveniences. Besides reviews, the widget shows pictures or movies to attract people’s attention. Potential guests decide using their eyes - that is why, easements of such kind are essential these days.
Undoubtedly, one of the most meaningful advantage of TripAdvisor widget is its popularity. Over 390 million visitors per month, 96 million members, 500 million opinions and 49 websites in 28 languages leave no doubt that TripAdvisor app is one of the crucial examples of influential technological ‘invention’.
2) Triptease
Triptease offers ‘Price check’ widget for hotel websites mainly to increase the number of direct bookings.
The idea of the app is connected with the foregoing problem. Firstly, we need to know the relations between hotels and online travel agencies (OTAs). It is not a secret that OTAs, such as Booking.com provide the major part of bookings for hotels and gather the greatest commissions. Triptease provides hotel websites with a widget which allows visitors to check prices in major OTAs immediately - its idea is essential in our online hospitality world of that time.
Another unique innovation of Triptease widget is Direct Booking Platform - a kind of chat created especially for hoteliers. It helps over 17 thousand hotels from all over the world stay in touch with their guests and offer them the most suitable price quickly and directly.
3) Our.Guide
Our.Guide provides a widget dedicated to hotel websites with an abundant database including
a wide range of attractions and events in the area. As an interactive travel guide, it also constitutes an excellent facilitation of trip organisation - among others - the choice of the most suitable hotel.
The benefits connected with Our.Guide widget application are plentiful – hotel guests
have a constant access to the most essential information which gives them an opportunity of planning their stay in a convenient way.
In addition, hotel authorities gain a crucial knowledge concerning guests' expectations or preferences. At a glance, the foregoing aspects lead to considerable increase not only in the number of positive reviews, but also the overall marketing and efficiency in the hotel industry.