If you’re like most hotel marketers, you dedicate most of your marketing chops to building your hotel’s brand, luring travelers to choose your hotel with carefully chosen copy, internet hotel advertising and engaging marketing campaigns. But, what happens after the guest checks out?
Write As If You’re Addressing a Friend
The post-stay email is the biggest step your hotel can make towards high guest retention, so write the email from scratch and aim for future interaction. Don’t use the cookie-cutter sentences that you see other hotels using. Your guests know those statements don’t mean anything. Instead, put some personality into it. Write the email as you would if you were addressing a friend. Mention what your hotel is doing to improve their experience, such as any upgrades or renovations in the works.
Make It Easy to Share
Sharing on social media is now an intrinsic part of the traveling experience. Travelers are constantly writing reviews on TripAdvisor, and posting their vacation photos onto Facebook and Instagram. Invite your guests to share their own pictures on your hotel’s own page and provide a direct link to do so.
Showcase One of Your Notable Features
Remind them why your hotel sticks out from all the others. Casually mention your prime location, the size of your beds, the fluffiness of your pillows, the calming fireplace in your lobby. These visuals will trigger them to recall the details of their own trip and make them want to go back.
Mention Current Packages and Promotions
You never know when your guests are planning a return visit. Make sure all of your post-stay emails mention current promotions to take advantage of next time. If attractive enough, these promotions could easily sway their decision to book a stay with you again.