The most difficult task is to choose a hotel in which you will have not only a hospitable conditions but also a good location. If you want to visit a particular places, there is no chance for a random hotel. Every guest needs to have time because then, they can spend it on sightseeing.
About Rilano Hotels
Rilano, in brief, is a hotel operating company. Their business areas are project development, assuming management of existing hotels, operative and strategic hotel management, design, planning and operation of new hotel properties. Our.Guide cooperates with eight Rilano’s hotels in Hamburg, Frankfurt Oberursel, Kleve, Wolfenbüttel, Waidring in Tirol and Three hotels in Munich. Rilano cooperate with Our.Guide so that you could prepare yourself to the trip.
The problem we want to resolve is planning to see tourist attractions while visiting one of Rilano’s hotel using the Our.Guide doftware. It will provide you a perfect planning as for your trip and it means no effort from you.
Facts and numbers about Our.Guide, Rilano and travelling in gerenal:
#1 The monthly average usage of Our.Guide in every Rilano’s hotel is > 400 ;
#2 Over 66% people using this widget are those who do it before visiting a hotel and they are planning what to see when they arrive;
#3 In Germany, the average time from booking a hotel to get there is 32 days ;
#4 In central Europe, 19% people cancel the reservation or change hotel just before arrival;
What kind of devices do people use to take and advantage from Our.Guide ?
In Munich’s hotels, 89% people use our guide and our planner via computer, and only 11% via smartphones (iPhone mostly). However, there is a significant difference in Hamburg. 74% guests there use Android as a operating system.
Most common visited places that are available via our app
Guests in Munich were mostly interested in three areas:
#1 Art,
#2 Sport
#3 Entertainment.
That is why they decided to go to such places as :
#1 Feringer Sach Museum und Heimatverein
#2 Allianz Arena
#3 Buchheim Museum der Phantasie.
Nevertheless, if we go to Hamburg, we can notice that people paid most attention to
#1 Art
#2 Entertainment.
Mostly visited attractions were
#1 Ovelgönne Museum Harbour,
#2 Harbour Museum Hamburg,
#3 Schokoladenmuseum Chocoversum.
Planning your trip, do not forget about Our.Guide. It helps to build pre-arrival guest experience and it allows to plan your trip better than ever before. Guest are happier and leave good opinions about hotels. Good opinions creates a reputation. All this factors create an image that is so important because then, we are sure that this particular guest will come back to our hotel.
Moreover, hotels have profits because of Our.Guide because it allows them to get new guest and build a brand. Nowadays it is very essential to be well-known because otherwise nobody will come to visit your place.