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What is essential in pre-arrival preparations for the trip? [CASE STUDY]

Updated: Jun 18, 2018

Our.Guide is a SaaS solution which constitutes a personalized trip planner and an application for hotel websites enriched with a database including a great choice of attractions and events in the area. As a travel guide, it is also an excellent facilitation of trip organisation - among others - it helps in finding the most suitable hotel.

One of the most significant example of the facility which uses Our.Guide hotel website widget is IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka [] - a hundred-year-old, renovated building located in Lublin in Poland. It is characterized with the unique atmosphere endowed with beautiful architectural details and the design of the Belle Epoque. IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka offers its guests 72 elegantly furnished rooms and suites.

Many hotels use our widget

The main aim of the cooperation between Our.Guide and IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka is to help hotel guests in their pre-arrival preparations for the stay by providing them with the information concerning travel appeals and events nearby the given hotel. Thanks to the foregoing process, IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka has a chance to get users' involvement, satisfaction with the stay and positive opinions about the facility.


1) The application in Lublin - the usage

Our.Guide widget was used 2.700 times on IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka website in April 2018. It proves that the application is well-known among visitors.

Our Guide hotel widget is widely used by clients

2) Devices

Apart from that, Our.Guide is adjusted to various kinds of devices - you can use it on your desktop, tablet and phone, so as guests and hotel owners have constant and easy access to information on the website, no matter where they are.

The research indicates that Our.Guide was the most often used on desktop (76% of users). The minority includes those who used the travel guide application on mobile devices with Android system (24%).

Widget usage on different devices

3) Visitors and their profiles

The major part of the travelers prefer preparing their trip plans before the arrival, however, remaining 35% of people enjoy making use of Our.Guide widget on the spot.

What is more, the application was used by foreign guests - the results of the research show that about 27% of hotel guests used English version of Our.Guide.

People who visit the hotel website usually click on the widget on the main page. However, visitors sometimes explore the widget clicking from other subpages, such as: Prices and Rooms or Contact.

Usage of the widget before the trip and on the spot

4) The favourite choices

The travelers’ choices were varied depending on their preferences and expectations. However, the results of the survey take into account 3 categories which were the most favourite among hotel guests - Culture and Art, Landscape and Itineraries.

As for the places which were most often visited, the findings mention several spots: Trynitarska Tower, Museum of the history of Lublin, Multimedia history of Lublin, Museum of the Lubelska village.

Usage of the widget on one of our clients site

Usage of Our Guide on client site


In general, such kind of technological tools for hotel websites are substantial nowadays. Thanks to them, the guests have a constant and convenient access to the information they are interested in, which lead to the increase of the popularity, as well as profitability of given facility. In addition, it also constitutes a kind of attractive diversion for websites connected with hospitality sector.

What is more, hotel owners take advantage of Our.Guide content in order inspire their potential clients during the process of purchasing, as well as influence their pre-departure preparations which decrease the number of cancelled bookings.


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